Tuvalu Amateur Radio Club and DXpedition
T2R will be back on the air May 23-29, including the WPX CW contest, from Funafuti, Tuvalu. John (KK7L) will be continuing the club outreach and education efforts by introducing government, Red Cross, and others to HF digital modes for inter-island and around-the-world communications. Listen for T2R and club member T2AT on the air in late May on various digital modes including WSPR on all HF bands, perhaps even on top band. If all goes well a permanent Winlink station will be established for emergency and maritime communications needs in the Central Pacific region. Donations are welcome to help cover the cost for a set of radios to support digital mode operations from Tuvalu.
2016 Activation
John (KK7L) and Jared (N7SMI) activated amateur radio DXpedition station T2R from Tuvalu September 27th - October 4th, 2016, with a follow-up activation by John in May, 2017. Tuvalu was #74 on the Club Log most wanted entities list. Despite very difficult band conditions and significant local QRM, we made over 2000 QSOs. We also provided amateur radio training and outreach to establish a Tuvalu Amateur Radio Club
Outreach Efforts
We're excited to have the story of the T2R amateur radio club featured in the January, 2016 edition of QST magazine.
This was not a typical DXpedition. Through the efforts of many before and after us, including Bob (VK2RG), Dean (KW7XX) and the RF Junkies team, Nob (JF2MBF), Ken (JA2FJP), and others, there were licensed amateurs and available equipment in Tuvalu when we arrived. We provided training sessions to 10 local amateurs and others interested in amateur radio. The last QSO of our operation was made with VK4DH in our training session.
We also helped newly licensed operators T2TP and T2AT get their stations set up and provided on-the-air training. It was exciting to watch both of them make their first amateur radio contacts! Both operators are now getting active on the air and we will continue to mentor them and others as they continue the Tuvalu Amateur Radio Club efforts.
Tili (T2AT), John (KK7L), Jared (N7SMI), and Tony (T2TP, with his son)
We also held meetings and discussed the benefits of amateur radio with the former Prime Minister who is now the head of the Tuvaluan Red Cross (to whom we've donated a power generator for amateur and emergency communications purposes). We met with a former ambassador to the United Nations and demonstrated amateur radio to a member of parliament, among many others. Through our efforts, many people were introduced to amateur radio. The future of amateur radio in Tuvalu is bright!
How You Can Help
As interest in amateur radio in Tuvalu increases, there will be a need for additional radio equipment. Current equipment is in need of waterproof cases and batteries in case of cyclones. Emergency power generators will help ensure communications in a disaster. Additional antennas, HF radios, etc. will be needed as amateur radio expands to the outer islands where emergency communication is most needed. We kindly invite you to donate to the cause and support these efforts. Any amount will help. All sponsors and supporters of $10 or more will be listed on the Sponsors page.